We are about at our limit of 500 photos. Please send to me any photos you want displayed on this site.
There are presently 8 albums with pictures:
1. 60th Class Reunion - 7/27/22
2. '62 Class Reunion
3. More '62 Class Reunion
4. Joyce Christensen-Crosby Reunion Pictures
5. Photos From Classmates
6. Class or 1961 Reunion
7. George Riddel's album
8. Bill Donneithorne's album
Luncheon at Nikolas 1-15-13. Attending were (L-R): Rita, Sue, Doreen Picard-Thompson (teacher), Pat, Judy, Lynn Ittigson, Virginia Borts (Teacher), Harry
On 4-12-20, the following classmates met for lunch: Lynn Ittigson, Karen Pellitier Wensel, Rita Fox Tomburinni, Bonnie McColl MacPetrie, Sue Arkell Dunn, Dorthy Maccanie Greca, Kathy Hines Ball, Mary Koenig Musich, Judy Hemstreet Miller Sue Airy Mueller and Judy Brooks Buffmyer
On 10/17, Rita Fox Tomburrini, Judy Hines Porvin, Sue Arkell Dunn, Suzanne Airy Mueller, Judy Brooks Buffmyer and Lois Gorman Kavanagh met to plan various aspects of the reunion.
Rita Fox Tomburrini, Chuck White, Jim Kohl, Judy Brooks Buffmyer, Denny O'Malley & Harry Breniser
First meeting of the Reunion Committee at Peabody's restaurant.